Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Pokemon : Name (Gen I)

Mungkin hal berikut tidak terlalu penting, tapi tidak apa-apa lah untuk dilihat,
Jadi penamaan species pokemon sebenarnya mengandung beberapa arti (g sembarangan bro)
Berikut adalah nama beserta artinya (harap dimakumi jika ada nama yang maksa)

# Name Origin Meaning
001 Bulbasaur bulb a type of plant
-saur Greek suffix meaning ‘lizard’
002 Ivysaur ivy a plant
-saur Greek suffix meaning ‘lizard’
003 Venusaur venus from Venus Flytrap, a meat-eating plant
-saur Greek suffix meaning ‘lizard’
004 Charmander char to burn or singe
salamander lizard-like amphibian
005 Charmeleon char to burn or singe
chameleon a species of lizard
006 Charizard char to burn or singe
lizard a reptile
007 Squirtle squirt to shoot water
turtle water-based reptile
008 Wartortle war epic battle
tortoise large reptile with a protective shell
turtle water-based reptile
009 Blastoise blast an explosion
tortoise large reptile with a protective shell
010 Caterpie caterpillar an insect
011 Metapod metamorphosis a transformation
pod a cocoon
012 Butterfree butterfly a flying insect
free without limit, now it’s able to fly
013 Weedle worm an invertebrate
needle sharp implement
014 Kakuna cocoon a pupal casing made by some insects
015 Beedrill bee a flying insect
drill pointed tool
016 Pidgey pigeon a species of bird
017 Pidgeotto pigeon a species of bird
018 Pidgeot pigeon a species of bird
019 Rattata rat a rodent mammal
rat-a-tat-tat repeated fast knocking sound
020 Raticate rat a rodent mammal
eradicate to exterminate
021 Spearow spear pointed weapon
sparrow a species of bird
022 Fearow fear to be scared of
sparrow a species of bird
023 Ekans snake a species of reptile; ‘ekans’ spelled backwards
024 Arbok cobra a species of reptile; ‘kobra’ spelled backwards
025 Pikachu pika Japanese for a sound of sparks; a small mouse-like rodent
chu Japanese for a sound of squeaking
026 Raichu rai Japanese for ‘thunder’
chu Japanese for a sound of squeaking
027 Sandshrew sand fine debris of rocks
shrew a rodent
028 Sandslash sand fine debris of rocks
slash to swipe
029 Nidoran♀ nido Japanese for two (referring to its counterpart)
ran blue/purple orchid (Japanese)
female symbol
030 Nidorina nido Japanese for two (referring to its counterpart)
-ina female suffix
031 Nidoqueen nido Japanese for two (referring to its counterpart)
queen royalty (female)
032 Nidoran♂ nido Japanese for two (referring to its counterpart)
ran blue/purple orchid (Japanese)
male symbol
033 Nidorino nido Japanese for two (referring to its counterpart)
-ino male suffix
034 Nidoking nido Japanese for two (referring to its counterpart)
king royalty (male)
035 Clefairy clef musical symbol
fairy imp, sprite
036 Clefable clef musical symbol
fable story, fairytale
037 Vulpix vulpine describing foxes
six its number of tails
038 Ninetales nine its number of tails
tales corruption of ‘tails’
039 Jigglypuff jiggle to shake
puff inflated, cloud-shaped
040 Wigglytuff wiggle to shake
tough hard
041 Zubat zubatto Japanese for a sound of something being hit
bat cave-dwelling flying mammal
042 Golbat ghoul ghost, monster
bat cave-dwelling flying mammal
043 Oddish Odd Strange or weird
radish vegetable
044 Gloom gloom depression
bloom blossoming
045 Vileplume vile nasty
plume cluster of showy flowers/petals
046 Paras parasite an annoying insect or bacteria
047 Parasect parasite an annoying insect or bacteria
insect a bug
048 Venonat venom poison
gnat an insect
049 Venomoth venom poison
moth an insect
050 Diglett dig remove/excavate earth
-lett suffix meaning ‘small’
051 Dugtrio dug removed/excavated earth
trio Spanish for three
052 Meowth meow cat noise
053 Persian persian a long-haired breed of cat
054 Psyduck psychic supernatural
duck a species of bird
055 Golduck gold a color (oddly this applies to Psyduck more)
duck a species of bird
056 Mankey monkey a species of primate
manky inferior, worthless
057 Primeape prime superior
primate set of mammals including monkeys, apes, etc
ape a species of primate
058 Growlithe growl gruff noise made by dogs
lithe gracefully slender
059 Arcanine arcane ancient, mysterious
canine relating to dogs
060 Poliwag polliwog a tadpole; baby frog/toad
wag tail movement
061 Poliwhirl polliwog a tadpole; baby frog/toad
whirl circular pattern
062 Poliwrath polliwog a tadpole; baby frog/toad
wrath anger
063 Abra abracadabra magical word, sometimes used with ‘alakazam’
064 Kadabra abracadabra magical word, sometimes used with ‘alakazam’
065 Alakazam alakazam magical word, sometimes used with ‘abracadabra’
066 Machop macho strong, muscular
chop A karate chop
067 Machoke macho strong, muscular
choke To strangle
068 Machamp macho strong, muscular
champ A winner
069 Bellsprout bell ringing device (shape)
sprout grow, bloom
070 Weepinbell weeping sad, drooping
bell ringing device (shape)
071 Victreebel victory a win achieved over someone
bell ringing device (shape)
072 Tentacool tentacle the ‘limb’ of a sea creature
cool low temperature, impressive
073 Tentacruel tentacle the ‘limb’ of a sea creature
cruel mean
074 Geodude geo- of or relating to the Earth
dude person (usually male)
075 Graveler gravel small rocks/pebbles
076 Golem golem stone figure from Jewish folklore
077 Ponyta pony a small horse
ponytail a hairstyle that resembles a pony’s tail
078 Rapidash rapid fast
ash remains of a fire
dash move quickly
079 Slowpoke slow not fast
slowpoke nickname for a slow person
080 Slowbro slow not fast
bro friend, pal
081 Magnemite magnet attracting object
mite small thing
082 Magneton magnet attracting object
ton large or heavy object
083 Farfetch'd far-fetched unlikely
084 Doduo dodo extinct bird
duo group of two
085 Dodrio dodo extinct bird
trio group of three
086 Seel seal an aquatic mammal
087 Dewgong dugong an aquatic mammal
dew moisture often found on grass or plants
088 Grimer grime dirt
089 Muk muck dirt
090 Shellder shell hard cover
shelter to protect
091 Cloyster clam marine creature
oyster marine creature
cloister isolated religious building
092 Gastly gas air
ghastly horrifying
093 Haunter haunter a person who scares others
094 Gengar doppelgänger a person’s exact double or ‘shadow’
095 Onix onyx a type of rock
096 Drowzee drowsy tired, sleepy
zee the letter ‘z’, often used to denote sleep
097 Hypno hypnosis a trance or sleep
098 Krabby crab marine creature
crabby irritable, bad-tempered
099 Kingler king a species of crab; royalty
fiddler a species of crab
100 Voltorb volt unit of electricity
orb spherical object
101 Electrode electrode electrical conductor
explode to self-destruct
102 Exeggcute egg organic vessel in which animals/Pokemon develop
execute to exterminate
103 Exeggutor egg organic vessel in which animals/Pokemon develop
executor an exterminator
104 Cubone cub baby animal
bone structure making up a skeleton
105 Marowak marrow material inside bone
whack to hit
106 Hitmonlee hit to strike
mon monster
lee from Bruce Lee, martial arts actor
107 Hitmonchan hit to strike
mon monster
chan from Jackie Chan, martial arts actor
108 Lickitung lick touch with the tongue
tongue muscle in mouth
109 Koffing coughing expulsion of air from the lungs
110 Weezing wheezing breathing with difficulty
111 Rhyhorn rhino large African mammal
horn the spike on a rhino’s head
112 Rhydon rhino large African mammal
don of great size/importance; lord or master
113 Chansey chance probability
114 Tangela tangle twisted mesh of strands (e.g. vines)
115 Kangaskhan kangaroo Australian mammal
Genghis Khan Mongolian leader
116 Horsea seahorse marine creature
horsie cutesy slang for ‘horse’
117 Seadra sea large body of water
dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
118 Goldeen goldfish a species of fish
queen royalty
119 Seaking sea large body of water
king royalty
120 Staryu starfish marine creature
you opposite of me (from Starmie)
121 Starmie starfish marine creature
me opposite of you (from Staryu)
122 Mr. Mime mime artist a silent performer
123 Scyther scythe sword-like implement
124 Jynx jinx curse or bad luck
125 Electabuzz electricity energy from electric currents
buzz noise that comes from electricity
126 Magmar magma the melted rock in a volcano
127 Pinsir pincer crab’s claw
128 Tauros Taurus mythical Greek bull & star sign
129 Magikarp magic illusions
carp a species of fish
130 Gyarados gyre thrash and turn about
131 Lapras Loch Ness lake where the mythical ‘Loch Ness Monster’ (on which Lapras is based) supposedly resides
132 Ditto ditto a duplicate or copy
133 Eevee E-V short for ‘evolution’
134 Vaporeon vapor water mist
eon relating to a long time and thus evolution
135 Jolteon jolt a sudden movement or burst of electricity
eon relating to a long time and thus evolution
136 Flareon flare burst of fire
eon relating to a long time and thus evolution
137 Porygon polygon a many sided figure
138 Omanyte ammonite shell fossil
-ite suffix meaning ‘closely related’
139 Omastar ammonite shell fossil
star pointed shape
140 Kabuto kabuto Japanese for ‘helmet’
141 Kabutops kabuto Japanese for ‘helmet’
top above
142 Aerodactyl aero- flying prefix
pterodactyl prehistoric flying reptile
143 Snorlax snore sound made during sleeping
lax lazy
144 Articuno artic relating to a cold region at the North Pole
uno Spanish for one
145 Zapdos zap relating to the sound of striking electricity
dos Spanish for two
146 Moltres molten liquified by heating
tres Spanish for three
147 Dratini dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
tiny small
148 Dragonair dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
air relating to its majesty
149 Dragonite dragon mythical fire-breathing creature
-ite suffix meaning ‘closely related’
150 Mewtwo mew cat sound
two the second iteration of Mew
151 Mew mew cat sound

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